Sightlines logo and '13-25th July, a performance and wellbeing festival'
Sightlines logo and '13-25th July, a performance and wellbeing festival'
Sightlines logo and '13-25th July, a performance and wellbeing festival'
Sightlines logo
13-25th July, a performance and wellbeing festival
This event has already occurred

Adapting Performance Engagement work to Zoom
14 Jul 17:00-18:15

Presented by Sightlines Festival


This event has closed captions This event has a British Sign Language interpeter

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To explore specific aspects of the conversation around performance and wellbeing, Sightlines 2021 will bring together performance makers and facilitators for a series of panel discussions on topics significant to the artists involved. Each will include structured discussion between the panelists, with time for the audience to ask questions.

Adapting Performance Engagement to Zoom - Hosted by Emily Orme, Movement Director and teacher who facilitates Good Chance Social’s online outreach

Many individuals and organisations use performance outreach to connect to and inspire the groups they work with. Whether it’s music, theatre, poetry, dance or comedy these group spaces are an important part of people’s daily lives and wellbeing and provide an opportunity for community, self-expression and the shared joy of creating together.

But when the lockdown was put in place last year it was no longer possible to run workshops in person, so many groups had to adapt to online facilitation in order to reach their participants. This panel will bring together different people who work in performance engagement, from across genres and communities, to discuss the challenges, benefits and methods of running workshops over Zoom.

This panel will be BSL interpreted.

This event is in the past and no longer available.