Sightlines logo and '13-25th July, a performance and wellbeing festival'
Sightlines logo and '13-25th July, a performance and wellbeing festival'
Sightlines logo and '13-25th July, a performance and wellbeing festival'
Sightlines logo
13-25th July, a performance and wellbeing festival
This event has already occurred

Storytelling for Mental Wellbeing
10 Oct 17:00-18:30

Presented by Sightlines Festival

As part of the Sightlines x BPH Online Performance and Wellbeing Festival this October, we are offering the opportunity for a small group to participate in two online workshops and then an online performance, exploring the art of storytelling for mental wellbeing.

These hands-on workshops will support you in learning to create a 10 minute, oral story. Expect creative writing exercises, learning about story frameworks and advice for making a compelling and effective story. Then on the Saturday there will be the chance to perform your story to an audience on Zoom.

This is open to anyone (aged 18+) interested in learning the craft of storytelling and using it to write and perform their own mental health story. It will involve two 2.5hr Zoom workshops (evenings of the 10th and 12th October) and a performance on Zoom (daytime 14th October).

It will be led by Lily Asch, a storyteller and mental health advocate. Lily completed a storytelling apprentice at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, has a Post Graduate Certificate in Counselling Skills, and has been running workshops on Storytelling for Mental Wellbeing since 2016.

If you are interested in taking part please fill in the following form:

If you have any trouble filling in the form or want to ask any questions please contact us on

This event is in the past and no longer available.